Sign up for free and start your energy savings now!

We have made it easy for you to get started saving energy. It all starts with insights from your buildings, and of course we will help you understand our platform.

Fill out the form

To get started, you need to fill out the form so we can create your profile.

Connect your data (Optional)

The next step is to connect your energy consumption data to our platform. It is easily done for electricity in Denmark using the company NemID. Please contact us for further information about how to connect data in other countries.

If you are not interested in connecting your data at this time, you are welcome to schedule a meeting with one of our experts; send us a mail at

Set up a demonstration with us

Let us introduce you to our energy optimization platform. We will guide you through your possible savings on your own data, if made available by you, and make a plan on how to save energy in your buildings! Alternatively, we can make a demonstration based on anonymised buildings already on our platform.

Fill out the form and get started!

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Our virtual energy advisor help you save energy in public and commercial buildings


Buildings in the network

+1.700 GWh

Annual consumption monitored

+12.900 MWh

Annual savings implemented

+2.900 tons

Annual CO2E savings

Virtual advisors that give you the benefit of energy efficiency work

Energy optimization with artificial intelligence gives you deeper insight into the energy consumption of your buildings. We call the solution a Virtual Energy Advisor because the digital assistant helps you save energy!

  • Reduce costs and achieve lower CO2 emissions
  • Save time – we will notify you when something changes
  • Focus on buildings where the potential is greatest

No purchase of hardware! We use data you already have – get started today!

Electricity Advisor

Respond immediately to changes in the buildings’ consumption patterns and calculate and verify your improvements within weeks – with our Virtual Electricity Advisor, you have full control of your buildings’ energy performance!

  • Find energy savings automatically
  • Get notified in case of unexpected changes in consumption
  • Focus on buildings with the greatest potentials for savings

District Heating Advisor

Our District Heating Advisor provides the overview, so you can prioritize your efforts on what is most relevant. There are several ways to optimize your district heating installation, and with our virtual advisor, this is now a lot easier.

  • Automatic calculation of energy improvements
  • Intelligent consumption monitoring
  • Focus on installations where the potential is greatest

Solar PV Advisor

It can be expensive and difficult to monitor the efficiency of your rooftop solar. That is where our Solar PV Advisor comes to your aid. By running your consumption data through our solar advisor, you get new insights and see potential problems – and you can measure ROI on future investments.

  • Reduce time and costs on inspections
  • See potential savings for future investments
  • Digital monitoring of all Solar PV systems
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