An energy efficiency platform that makes a difference

Last year Ento users saved for more than:

EUR 8856398

…and the year isn’t over!

Get a free estimation for your potential energy savings, directly to your mailbox within a work day.

Energioptimering der gør en forskel!

Bygningsejere der bruger Ento har opnået årlige besparelser på:

DKK 48856398
Opnå lavere driftsomkostninger og mindre CO2-udledning ved at monitorere og analysere dine bygningers energiforbrug, for at finde de mest effektive besparelser.

Få et gratis estimat på dine årlige energibesparelser baseret på netop din bygningsportefølje.

Energioptimering der gør en forskel!

Bygningsejere der bruger Ento har opnået årlige besparelser på:

DKK 48856398
Opnå lavere driftsomkostninger og mindre CO2-udledning ved at monitorere og analysere dine bygningers energiforbrug, for at finde de mest effektive besparelser.

Få et gratis estimat på dine årlige energibesparelser baseret på netop din bygningsportefølje.

An energy efficiency platform that makes a difference

Last year Ento users saved for more than:

EUR 8856398

…and the year isn’t over!

Get a free estimation for your potential energy savings, directly to your mailbox within a work day.

EUR 8856398

saved in 2022

(so far)

This year, Ento users have already saved over XXX,XXX Euro worth of energy.

Find out how much money you can save by reducing your energy consumtion. Completely free and  directly to your mailbox within a work day.

The easiest way to optimize energy consumption in public and commercial buildings

Enjoy lower operational costs and reduced carbon emissions by letting our expert energy AI analyze and monitor your energy consumption for the most effective improvements.

Get a free estimation for your potential energy savings, directly to your mailbox within a work day.

Why AI-driven energy optimization?


Quickly get an overview and prioritize your efforts.

Save time

Spend your time on improvements, not looking at data.

Reduce costs

Improve the bottom line and invest in more savings.

Document efforts

Verify and communicate your work and reap the fruits.

Lower emissions

Contribute to the sustainable energy transition.

Rest assured

We will let you know when something needs your attention.

For retail chains

Understand how all your stores are performing inside and outside of opening hours, and what can be done to optimize energy consumption. Many buildings are suboptimally configured and savings of 10-50% can be achieved simply by configuring the building correctly — if you know where to look.

For cities & municipalities

City and municipal administrations play a crucial role in the sustainable energy transition and have ambitious energy saving goals. Our software ranks most effective ways to lower the energy consumption – and understand every single building’s use.

For energy professionals
Want an intelligent companion that matches and supports your competencies within buildings and energy use? We work with energy managers and technicians to facilitate the process from identifying the most effective improvements to validating that your professional services pay off.
For manufacturing
Combine consumption data with production numbers to understand how your machines are performing, and what can be done to reduce wasted energy by idling machines. All of this is quickly available without upfront investments in expensive measurement equipment.

Any questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch to discuss how we can help you save energy or get started for free!


Buildings in the network

+1.700 GWh

Annual consumption monitored

+12.900 MWh

Annual savings implemented

+2.900 tons

Annual CO2E  savings

Case studies

Learn how Arbejdernes Landsbank reduced electricity consumption by 16%, without installation of new hardware or spending time sifting through data.

Learn how AI identifies energy savings for Høje-Taastrup Municipality by analyzing electricity and district heating consumption.

Written by Open Data DK – in Danish

Learn how our AI helps energy managers in Kolding Municipality save time by automatically identifying energy savings in hudreds of buildings.

Written by Energinet – in Danish


Ento Labs’ artificial intelligence fights energy waste at Salling Group

Ento Labs’ artificial intelligence fights energy waste at Salling Group

Salling Group has announced an ambitious plan to reduce energy consumption from the more than 1,700 stores in Denmark, Germany and Poland. But first, the group starts by optimising the operation of more than 700 Danish stores with Ento Labs’ artificial intelligence – and the energy savings can already be measured and documented.

read more

Frequently asked questions

How does it work?

A typical engagement follows a 5-step process:

  1. We load consumption data, e.g. from your utility or EMS (see below)
  2. Your data is combined with a range of data sources to build ML models of consumption
  3. Our system identifies and prioritizes the most effective savings
  4. Your efforts are registered and verified statistically
  5. We continue to monitor for new savings

For any organization in Denmark, simply use the link below to connect your data:

Connect data

How are you different from an Energy Management System?

The purpose of an energy management system (EMS) is to collect and and visualize raw data from meters installed in the building. Many EMS users have to spend a lot of time looking at the data or manually configuring alarms to figure out when something is not performing well.

Our solution uses existing consumption data, which could be in an EMS, to find and prioritize where to focus your efforts, by combining with many other data sources and data from the entire building network. That means you get more direct value in terms of energy and time saved.

Can I still use my trusted energy manager/technician?

Yes! Several energy professionals use our platform. Our solution is designed to combine the strengths of computers with the experience and skills of human experts.

The goal is to take away the boring task of looking at thousands of data points every hour and allow them to focus on the important aspects of their work – to reduce your energy and carbon footprint.

How much does it cost?

In contrast to traditional approaches, we don’t charge an upfront or integration fee – we will happily import your data and show you the expected value, and even let you try it out for a few buildings, before you have to make the decision.

After that, we charge a simple monthly fee per building. The price depends on the number of buildings and the types of suggestions you are interested in. We always make sure the value is clear and existing customers have seen great ROI already.

Don’t hesitate to email us or get started for free, so we can understand how to help you best.

We have a lot of data - can you handle it?

Our company and technology was developed based on the founding team’s experience with scalable cloud computing, modern data science and machine learning from some of the largest and most impactful organizations in the world.

In contrast with other players, we LIKE more data and will not charge you more simply for ingesting more data. We know that more data will allow us to deliver better results, thereby increasing the value for you – and yes, we can handle it 🙂

Will your models and energy improvement suggestions improve over time?

Yes! There’s three main reasons for this:

  1. We get more consumption data from your buildings as time goes by. This helps our algorithms become more precise, which in turn makes suggestions more precise for your specific buildings.
  2. We continuously optimize our models. It’s in our DNA as a company. New and better models will affect how your buildings are being analyzed.
  3. Our platform already utilizes knowledge of consumption and performance from thousands of buildings. But, we continuously add more buildings to our network – and that new building knowledge will also benefit you.
Can you handle other data sources than energy?

Yes – our platform is set up to include various different data sources. For some use cases – e.g. within manufacturing – we need more than consumption data.

Have other questions? Please let us know!

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